Frosty days, fabulous skin: Your go-to winter skincare routine.

by Afterpay
Jun 30, 2023      7 min read

When the weather takes a nosedive from "it's kinda chilly" to "I can't feel my face," we rally in shackets, jackets, boots and scarves to protect us. But what about our skin? It deserves a seasonal switch-up too.

Cold wind, lower humidity, icy temps, and dry air are the calling cards of winter that can steal moisture from our skin and leave us feeling more flaky than fabulous. We’ll have none of that, thanks. 

So glow-getters, let’s crank up the heat on your winter skincare routine so you can flex your way through the cooler months with Hollywood-worthy radiance.   

Slay all season with these winter skincare tips

Think your skin can survive the winter without some TLC? With the temperature down and the heater cranked up, it will send you a crackly SOS signal saying, “ahem, wrong!”.    

Winter air changes are like kryptonite to the skin, gradually stripping away moisture to leave you with a dry face, scaly legs, chapped lips and a Yoda-esque complexion if you don’t act quickly. 

For your skin to stay dewy all winter, it needs hydration - more than you can shake a bottle of your regular moisturiser at. For a true glow-up, you need products that do fancy skin science things, like enhancing the lipid layer and restoring barrier function.

First, swap out lighter moisturisers for power-packed layered hydration, including heavier creams, serums and oils. Bonus points (and bangin’ skin) for adding a nutritious overnight mask to your nighttime routine. 

Next, don't cut corners when it comes to SPF. Why? Because UVB rays take a backseat during winter, but UVAs are still on the prowl. Invest in a sunscreen with a high UVA rating for more protection and fewer laughter lines (aka wrinkles). Go-To’s Nifty Fifty Hydrating Sunscreen is bound to be your best friend with its lush SPF 50 rating. Not to mention it contains glycerin, which increases hydration so you don’t need to worry about dry skin - phew!

The best winter skincare buys for an X-factor facial

Winter is a great time to pull out the big guns and treat yourself to a maintenance facial that will leave your skin feeling all sorts of wonderful. Think chemical exfoliants (AHAs), peels and those futuristic LED masks that stimulate collagen production, boost blood circulation and banish bad bacteria.  

Treat yourself to an at-home microdermabrasion kit, like PMD Beauty’s Personal Microderm Elite Pro, if you’re up for serious facial housekeeping. Dead skin cells don’t stand a chance against these power-packed tools designed to slough away build-up and promote cell turnover with a flick of your wrist. 

From summer to snow: mix up your winter skincare routine 

You don’t have to go big to shake up your winter skincare routine. A simple facial or a peel in a bottle can reset your skin and bring back that summer glow. 

Love a good bath? Soak in bougie bliss with a pillow, caddy and nourishing oil or salts, and throw in a handful of rose petals for maximum Bali resort vibes. We love Bath Box’s Caddy & Pillow set, which has all the bells and whistles to take your bath from drab to fab. 

And let’s not forget the humidity; splurge on a humidifier to combat dry air at home or work. Dy air can cause dry skin (shocker), so a humidifier is a great tool to keep at home to provide your skin with the moisture it needs during the winter. 

Bundle up with Afterpay

So go ahead and hibernate like a snuggly bear this winter, but don’t hit the snooze button on skincare. Your Summer self will thank you for it!  

For a quick pick-me-up or a complete skincare overhaul, bag a bundle of skincare goodies now and pay later with Afterpay. 

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