Headline article image Instagram influencers: how to find a top influencer for your Instagram social media

Instagram influencers: how to find a top influencer for your Instagram social media

Influencer marketing has become an important small business strategy. Here’s how to identify the best talent to represent your brand and drive sales on Instagram.

Instagram Influencer marketing might seem like a brave new world, but in 2022, it’s a key small business marketing strategy across all industries – not just beauty and fashion.

Unlike traditional paid media - print, television, radio, online and social advertising - influencer marketing offers a different perspective on your brand, and content that you can’t completely control. Risky? Potentially, but the reward is great. In fact, influencer marketing is more than six times more cost-effective than paid media according to a 2020 study of global influencer marketing

“Influencers are social media’s trusted tastemakers."

- Aaron Brooks

Why? “Instagram Influencers are social media’s trusted tastemakers,” Aaron Brooks, UK-based co-founder of global influencer platform Vamp. “Their powerful recommendations drive social users to action both on and offline. By producing authentic, creative, and relevant content, influencers help drive awareness, website traffic, and online sales for brands.” 

The first step to a successful influencer collaboration on Instagram ? Finding the right Instagram influencer for your brand and budget.

1. Prioritise brand alignment

Overall follower count on Instagram is an important metric when it comes to selecting an Instagram influencer. However, personality and brand alignment are just as crucial.

“Ask yourself, ‘is this the kind of person I want representing my brand?’” says Jules von Hep, UK-based founder of body-positive self-tanning brand Isle of Paradise, sustainable knitwear brand Yan Tan, and an Instagram influencer in his own right (80K+ followers). 

“Do the Instagram influencers' values reflect those of your brand? Are you aligned on tone? Do they offer something you can’t? Do they speak to an audience you want to capture? That’s what you should be asking yourself when looking at Instagram influencers. Work with people who make you feel good and can communicate your brand message effectively.”

2. Location, location, location

“If you’re a small local business, an Instagram influencer who lives and works in the area you’re based, or the area you’re wanting to target, is more influential for your brand than someone who influences on a more national or global scale,” says Von Hep. “In these cases, someone with 5,000 followers on Instagram can do more than someone with 1m followers.”

"In these cases, someone with 5,000 followers on Instagram can do more than someone with 1m followers.”

Breana Phillips, marketing and partnerships manager at parenting product e-tailer The Memo, agrees, adding that even for medium-sized or online businesses, the location of an Instagram influencer's fan base is the key metric to get the desired result. “The Memo is based in Melbourne, we have good brand awareness here, and in Sydney. But we’d like to be known more nationally, so we’d look to work with influencers who have audiences in Queensland or Adelaide to introduce our brand to new parents in those areas.” 

3. Read the comments

Justin Gaggino is the general manager of teeth-whitening company, Hismile, which runs an extensive global influencer programme across Instagram and TikTok. He recommends not only checking an Instagram influencer’s engagement rate, but reading their posts on Instagram to gauge the type of relationship they have with their followers. 

“You can look at their rate of engagement on Instagram, but I think it’s better to look at the quality of the comments, and what’s being talked about as that’s a true indicator of how receptive a community is to an Instagram influencer’s messaging.”

In other words, when you look at an influencer’s Instagram posts, what do the comments say? Are they discussing the topic of the post? This shows they are interested and absorbing the Instagram influencers message.

4. Look for content fit

“Followers can see straight through a paid partnership if it feels out of the norm for an influencer or their organic content,” says Phillips.

“Followers can see straight through paid partnerships."

- Breana Phillips

There are Instagram influencers for all industries - finance, parenting, business, education, DIY, homemaking – and it’s all about finding the right influencers for your brand’s niche.

For example, cleaning agency Urban Company regularly collaborates with micro and macro lifestyle Instagram influencers. The collaborations work because the Instagram influencers show before-and-after images of their living spaces, which offer behind-the-scenes glimpse into influencers aspirational homes and personal lives. 

5. Consider adjacent verticals

Just because you're a fashion brand doesn’t mean you’re restricted to partnering with fashion influencers. There may be lifestyle influencers, entrepreneurs, DIY enthusiasts or even food influencers who align with your values and could potentially be great ambassadors for your brand. 

I want them to be the influencers within their own network.

- Phoebe Simmonds

For example, Phoebe Simmonds, the founder of Australian blow-dry brand The Blow, targets female business owners, “I don’t need them to have a big following, just the kind of following that would also see the value and benefit in a blow-dry subscription, which is usually busy, working women. I want them to be the influencers within their own network.”

6. Scour social media

While large brands often employ partnership managers to connect with, manage and track social media influencers, smaller businesses usually rely on organic searching to discover potential influencer partners.

“It’s not hard to find people right for your brand, just by spending time on the platforms. If you know your business’ target market, you can find an influencer,” says Simmonds, who employs a partnership manager now, but started out doing the legwork herself.

Not sure where to start?

  • Look at hashtags that are relevant to your industry
  • Check whether there are influencers already following you
  • Check whether your brand has already been tagged in posts
  • Research which influencers your competitors are following 

Once you do find an influencer who is a great fit, check whether they are connected with other influencers who might also align with your brand.

7. Consider agencies

Don’t have the time to manage influencer partnerships yourself? Consider enlisting a talent agency or influencer marketplaces and self-serve platforms like Vamp to help you find talent.

“Vamp’s assistance, businesses can produce higher-performing and higher quality content. Our platform offers faster connections, effortless collaboration, and powerful tracking. This means your investment produces more, reaches further, and performs better than before,” says Brooks.

Finding the right Instagram influencer for your budget

As a small business owner, it can be difficult to know how much influencers will charge. However, it’s generally accepted that there are several tiers of influencer. 

  • Nanoinfluencer = 500 to 5K followers
  • Microinfluencer = 5K to 30K followers 
  • Macroinfluencer = 30K to 500K followers
  • Mega influencer = 500K+ followers

Smaller businesses should focus on nano and microinfluencers, while larger brands may have the budget for big-name Instagram influencers.

Gifting vs paid

There are generally two types of Instagram influencer marketing: gifting or paid collaborations.

Gaggino describes gifting as a “fluid” approach, and recommends that businesses be realistic about results they’ll get from sending influencers unsolicited gifts.

“If you have a launch, or a send out gifting, you can’t expect that they will all post, or post on that particular day. It’s fast and unvetted, and won’t always be exactly what you expect. It’s better to loosen your expectations on how and when they’ll post.”

Forget transactions. Build relationships instead.

Simmonds views gifting as “an awareness play” – and the first step in building a relationship with an influencer.

“That’s what a small business should really focus on in the beginning: community building and brand awareness. Gifting, done well, is great for that. Particularly as you’ll most likely not have the budget for paid collaborations.”

Simmonds says that approaching an Instagram influencer out of the blue with an offer of a paid collaboration can be detrimental, and adds that it’s much better to slowly foster a genuine relationship.

That might mean introducing an Instagram influencer to your brand or products through gifting. Then, if they respond well, the next step may be inviting them to events or broaching the subject of a paid collaboration.

“When the influencer has never spoken about your brand before, it can feel less authentic to their audience. Paid collaborations are signified as such, so it’s important to think about how it will be received.”

How to approach Instagram influencers

Once you’ve identified an influencer who seems like a good fit for your brand, the next step is approaching them.

Ditch the DMs 

It might seem the best approach to contact the influencer you want to work with through the direct messages on the platform they influence on, but not so, says Leigh Campbell, an Australian-based beauty and lifestyle journalist and influencer with 68K+ followers.

"Influencer DMs are out of control, and used for community management, not business."

- Leigh Campbell

“Generally, influencers have a decent following, so their DMs are probably out of control, and regardless, [used] for community management, not business.”

Instead, she suggests checking their bio for an agent or email address, and connecting that way, particularly for paid collaborations. “It’s a much more professional way to start the conversation, and they’ll appreciate you taking in the information on their profile.”

Talk to them business owner to business owner

“When influencer culture was emerging, it was very much about giving people ‘free stuff’ in exchange for exposure,” says Campbell.

“As the industry has evolved, most influencers are small businesses in their own right - it’s their primary source of income and how they support their families, so when working with an influencer, keep that in your mind, and treat them how you would want to be treated.”

Be personal 

“If you’re starting with gifting or offering contra to influencers, make it as personal as possible,” says Phillips.

"The more thoughtful, the better."

- Breana Phillips

“This doesn’t mean you have to monogram your product with their name, but put it on their card, make it a reaction to their content. For example, a mega-parenting-influencer posts about spraining their ankle and how the mess in the house is already starting to get her down, a local cleaning company gets in touch to offer their service complimentary while she’s laid up, ‘We heard your foot’s put you out of action, let us take care of the big clean this week.’ Much like gifting to a friend or family member. The more thoughtful, the better.”

Be upfront about budgets

“It’s understandable if a small business doesn’t have a huge budget, and that’s completely fine,” says Campbell. “It’s best to be upfront and honest about budget, and it’s absolutely acceptable to offer contra and ask if the influencer would be open to that as payment, but it’s also totally acceptable for an influencer to decline contra as payment.” If your budget is small, or you're relying on gifting or contra, stick to nano or micro influencers. “Nano and Micro influencers are really good to work with because they have engaged communities and are willing to put in the effort with the content,” says Gaggino.

It’s all about the relationship

“Relationships are key, remember to treat any digital talent with respect and build a working relationship with them,” says Von Hep. “Be grateful and courteous to each person you work with and remember an influencer’s following can explode overnight.”

Gaggino agrees, well-fostered relationships and the passing on of education helps the influencer be informed and confident in speaking about your brand. “We work to really educate them on the product and brand so that they can speak to the science behind it intelligently. It’s super important that they understand and believe in what they are selling.”

Involve influencers at launch

Instagram Influencers should never be an after-thought,” says Simmonds. “Instagram Influencers are a key way to drive brand awareness from the inception of your business.”

"Influencers should never be an after-thought."

- Phoebe Simmonds

Both Simmonds and Gaggino engaged influencers right from the beginning of their brands, and recommend that any small businesses do the same.

“Pre-launch, reach out, talk to your USPs,” says Simmonds. “Give them a brand preview, the education and key messaging and then gift a sampling of your product.”

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